Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lesson Plan for April 17/18 (for use in support of teacher)

Lesson Plan B – Health (H108) – Equipment: Blue LapTop Cart

1. Take attendance

2. Ask students to review the food groups (Meat & Beans/Protein Foods, Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, Milk/Dairy)

3. Divide students into groups so that every food group is covered by one group (probably in pairs)

4. Ask each group to create a Google presentation that covers the following information (probably with one slide for each item):

a. Food Group Name

b. Examples of foods that come under this food group (including pictures)

c. Nutritional benefits of this food group (what good things does this food do for you) (e.g. high in fibre, high in calcium, etc.)

d. What percentage of your daily intake should come from this food group (there are differing opinions on this item)

e. What concerns are there regarding healthy eating habits with this group (e.g. it’s high in saturated fats, not enough energy, too much makes your blood pressure go up, etc.)

5. Once the presentations are put together the students in each group are asked to present their presentations to class

6. When they are done students need to find a new partner (in pairs) and complete the Planet Power game that can be found on the following website:


7. Once all groups are finished with the game, as a review ask students to identify elements of good daily habits regarding diet and exercise

8. Remind students that they need to keep track of one day of their eating/exercise habits so that they can input it into the Fit Day website the next class.

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