Now that we've started the Stress, Depression and Suicide unit, and you recognize just how important it is to learn to cope with our daily stressors, I would like to invite you to participate in the first of what will probably be several "Health in the News" assignments. Your job for this assignment is the following:
* Your task is to locate, read and analyze one article from a recent (no earlier than 2007) news source (print or on-line) related to Stress, Depression or Suicide. Make sure that the article is from an appropriate source (e.g. well-known newspaper or university website) and of an appropriate length (the equivalent of at least one page in a magazine).
* Extend your thinking about YOUR health outside of the classroom and into your daily life & provide fodder for intelligent & informed class discussions.
You need to be able to connect the article to health and explain the following:
What does the article say / Summary
* Summarize the information covered in 3-5 sentences
What does the article mean / (Big Meaning)?
* Analysis in terms of community or global social, emotional or physical health implications – 1 paragraph.
* 1 paragraph
Why do I care / Personal Meaning
* How does this issue impact me personally? What does it mean to me? Why did I choose this article? Do I have personal experience with an issue similar to the topic? How will I improve myself because of reading this article?
* 1 paragraph
Your Blog Entry/Post
* Heading: Blog Title
* Article info (Title, Author, Source, date)
* Article link (if an online source)
* 12 point font (on blogger choose the "small" font size)
* 3 paragraphs (1 for summary, 1 for big meaning, 1 for personal meaning) with Headings
WHAT’S IT WORTH? 15 points
* Format = 2 (Process Habits & Attitudes)
* Summary=3 (Process Habits & Attitudes)
* Big Meaning= 5 (Knowledge & Understanding)
* Personal Meaning=5 (Knowledge & Understanding)
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