Thursday, May 17, 2012

ESD Letter Rubric

The rubric below can be used to guide you as you put the finishing touches on the letters you are completing for the Environmental Health unit. Given how much work you have put into things already it is more of a formality than anything.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

You Are What You Eat

Now that we've gone through so much information regarding the food we eat, where it comes from, how it is made and what effects it has on us and our development, it's your turn to answer one simple question: Are you, in fact, what you eat?  How might that question be true?  How might it not?  In you analysis try to focus both on the nutritional choices you make and your position and role in the food 'system' (the larger picture). "You" does not have to mean you literally, but could mean anyone. Think about it. Write about it. Be as specific as you can (with examples). Try to put it all together. Things to think about:
  • Nutrients
  • Food Labels
  • Food, Inc topics (immigration, socio-economic status, legal issues, ethics, etc.)
  • Daily nutritional choices
  • Food & Exercise analysis information